Hello! I'm Dr Stephanie Dale, a global specialist in understanding how writing functions as a health & wellbeing resource.

All my programs & events are underpinned by research and modelled on the principles of pilgrimage.

I am experienced in working with isolated people, including remote communities and communities in recovery from natural disaster. 

Raising voices and visibility: You can write!


Online writing programs


* Write of Passage – for pilgrim writers finding their way. 6 weeks. Starts in February. 4 places left.

* Ultreia book writing support program – for new + established writers ready to write their book. 6 weeks. Starts in February. 1 place left.

* Write the Book of the Thesis – for academics, professionals and others with expertise to share their knowledge, insight, wisdom; includes prep for publishing. Next program July.



Professional development


* discover tools, tips and techniques for supporting clients to write for their health and wellbeing

* learn how to apply the LOCH model, a theoretical and practical whole-of-human approach to wellbeing-through-writing

* increase your understanding of how writing generates, facilitates and sustains good health and wellbeing.




Private coaching & mentoring


Stephanie is a true professional—task-oriented, heart-centred, and a genuine leader. Now I write consistently and confidently, a skill I never imagined mastering.

Dr Therese Perdedjian


Marie Kelly

“…provided me with the skills, motivation and encouragement I needed to tackle a book project. I’m thrilled to be confident and comfortable to write.”

Cathie Colless

“At first I had so many reasons not to do this course. In the end I bit the bullet, signed up and couldn’t wait for Tuesdays to roll around each week. I loved everything about it.”

Kate Gadsby

“Steph gave me direction and the confidence to achieve one of the most rewarding accomplishments of my life. Thank you.”

Donna-Lee Wynen

“The journey through writing is powerfully deep and transitioning. Stephanie Dale is more than a leader in writing, she has a mission and purpose.”

Working in remote communities

For more than 10 years I have worked in rural and remote communities.

All my workshops and events are designed to overcome isolation. We build courage, confidence and community through events that connect people to those around them in new ways, so they might view their community and each other with fresh eyes and increased senses of inclusion and wellbeing.

“I got a sense of community I rarely get.” Michael

These events strengthen existing community networks and build new networks.

I have worked with the Royal Flying Doctor Service, Australian Red Cross, the Rural Adversity Mental Health Program, government departments, schools, councils, rehabilitation centres and more.

More information here

“I loved this workshop. I could channel into the bad stuff but I learnt how to connect back to the good stuff. It made me feel amazeballs.”

Embodied Journaling (addiction recovery)

“To all the writers out there, you do not have to be a writer as such like you think it means. I highly recommend this course. It’s personal, heartwarming, beautifully confronting. It’s safe. You will be in awe of yourself.”

Write of Passage participant

“I am not the person I was back when I began this writing – THANK YOU for the part you have played in this.”

Write of Passage participant

“Honestly, not posting this to brag, but sitting here, humbled and grateful, I knew deep in my soul that the universe would give me confidence I was seeking if I was brave enough to put it all on the page. Thank you universe, and thank you Stephanie Dale, for believing in me, when I didn’t.”

Write of Passage participant

“Very inspiring. I am completely motivated and excited to explore my writing. Stephanie is an encouraging and knowledgeable teacher. I am thrilled I decided to attend this workshop.”

Drought recovery workshop participant

“TBH it was shit at the start then I started to like it.”

Embodied Journaling (Indigenous teen)

Trust the process


These are challenging times: change is upon us.

Pandemic disruption, war, natural disaster. Big change. Planetary change. Social change. Political change.

Trust is the antidote to change.

For families and communities to be well, we need you to be well, as well as is your capacity to be well.

Writing is a health and wellbeing resource at everyone’s fingertips. Writing gives us language: a pathway in, a pathway through, and a pathway out of trouble.




How will you navigate the days ahead?

Through PhD research I’ve developed a transformational writing method for navigating challenge and change.

The LOCH method is a proven tool for accessing the self-aligned language we need for sustaining wellness at home and in the workplace.

Change is upon us. The world needs us well.

You’ve got this. We’ve got this. Trust yourself. Trust change. Trust the process.

Learn more about wellbeing-through-writing techniques & processes

“… the catalyst for my new life after farming – academic study and a PhD!”

Liz Chappell

Author, At Home in the Garden

“… enabled me to answer questions about myself.”
COVID Recovery workshop participant

“… enabled me to produce a book with some pride.”
Graeme Bartrim

Author, The Book of Thinks

“I feel bold, proud n creatively free. Such a release.”
Jill Graham

Program participant

“… thank you for your teaching. We all love it so much.”
Writing on Country participant

Walk & Write Camino

28 April – 8 May 2025

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* writing insights

* self-paced writing programs

* monthly writing Q&A groups

* monthly Hothouse Writing groups

Journaling for the brave

* a handbook for the struggling and the strong

* Dr Stephanie Dale’s signature writing programs in one volume

* release old stories from your physical body

* writing for self-insight, recovery and growth.

Begin your transformational writing journey today

Workshops, programs, retreats and training for navigating and transforming everyday lifeworld challenges.

* wellbeing-through-writing guidance * writing support * professional/personal development

Professional memberships

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