LOCH© training

* Excellence in transformational communications
LOCH builds trust – in self, others, and the wider world
* For educators, managers, leaders
LOCH is living insightful problem-solving engagement
* For staff and students
LOCH builds relationships

The LOCH model of human engagement is a solutions’-focused empowerment tool for managers, leaders and professionals with people in their spheres of responsibility.
LOCH was developed by Dr Stephanie Dale through doctoral research.
LOCH meets the challenges of our times.
It is the first capacitative model developed in the wellbeing-through-writing sector to incorporate whole-of-human experiences of living.
Insights and understanding gleaned through this model can be applied to cross-sector human endeavour and engagement.
It is a practical and proactive tool for managing stress, developing capabilities for coping, and finding meaning in challenging situations and events.
LOCH is a simple technique. It can be applied by individuals, and it can be taught to others.
LOCH builds relationships.

Why learn the LOCH model?
Leaders and managers in health, education and community services sectors are under increasing pressure to respond proactively and expeditiously to the needs of individuals in workplaces and communities.
From loneliness and isolation to organisational and national budgetary constraints, the pressures and challenges of our times are enormous.
LOCH is a tool for embodied leadership. It is a practice, it is not a theory.
Once learned, the individual is prepared with skills, tools, and techniques for ongoing self-proficiency, connection to others, and growth in leadership capabilities.
We live in challenging times. Further challenges lie ahead.
Workplaces, families, and communities need embodied leaders, equipped with a straightforward skillset they can communicate to others.
The LOCH model is an evidence-based practice for guiding clients and staff towards harmonious workplace relations and reduced stress.
Real-world benefits of LOCH training include:
- increased skills and confidence in managing and participating in meetings
- increased capacity for navigating challenging relationships
- increased ability to identify and overcome personal and professional obstacles and barriers
- enhanced decision-making
- enhanced capability for coping with lifeworld stressors
- enhanced heartening responses to crisis and challenge
- greater coping tools for ensuring situational safety for self
- enhanced capabilities for ensuring situational safety for others
- increased ability to manage anticipated and emergent challenges and crises with grace and purpose.
LOCH training deliverables
Deliverables on LOCH training programs for educators, managers and leaders include:
- comprehensive introduction to the LOCH model for understanding the human experiential journey
- practical techniques for embodied leadership
- experience the vital imperative of languaging the feeling body through writing as a transformational communications technique
- insight into cutting edge conceptual frameworks for using an everyday, accessible resource – writing – as a tool for workplace health and wellbeing
- gain insight into the key elements pivotal to the efficacy of professional and personal reflexive practice.

How is LOCH different?
LOCH is a whole-of-human personal and professional training program.
LOCH is an embodied program that balances the cognitive, emotional, social, and behavioural aspects of human living with the physicalities of living.
It is a whole-of-human model. It is experiential.
More than thinking, LOCH is doing.
LOCH is living insightful problem-solving engagement.
LOCH builds trust – in self, others, and the wider world.
Bespoke training programs available.
Contact me to discuss the right program for you and your organisation.
LOCH fosters cultures of trust, connection, respect, and engagement.
The LOCH model is a four-stage, non-linear experiential model of human engagement. It illuminates the multitudinous and contemporaneous nature of stages of human recovery and growth inherent in human engagement.
The LOCH model is salutogenic in both origin and design. Meaning, it is health/solutions’ focused rather than pathogenic, i.e., illness/problem-focused. LOCH increases comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness amidst challenging relationships and circumstances.
The LOCH model positions individuals in the room as experts in their own experience, skilfully balancing personal need/desire with orientation to others.
Growth in trust is foundational to LOCH’s success.
Professional development training
Contact me for LOCH training for your business or organisation
- 3-hour interactive training sessions (with 15 minute break)
- morning and evening sessions available
- live online facilitator.
“Stephanie Dale is a ‘mistress class’ in facilitation. Her skills are phenomenal, equal to anyone I’ve ever worked with & I’ve worked with the best.”
Sue Spencer, UK
“I experienced lightness, expression. My body feels freer by giving voice to my inner-ness. The sense of self is empowering and I want to use this more fully in my own life and the lives of others.”
Dawne Fahey, Australia