Wellbeing-through-writing training

Clinical and professional development skills

Leading edge wellbeing-through-writing training for clinical practitioners, health professionals, frontline responders, and others in the workplace.


You need these skills:

Reflexive practice is a professional requirement in the 21st century workplace.

Your clients need these skills:

As a Rural Resilience Officer in the Australian Outback said to me: “psychologists are always telling us to write things down – but we don’t know where to start”.

Here’s where you start.

Over ten years, I’ve developed a range of wellbeing-through-writing programs and workshops using writing as an effective and immediate health and wellbeing resource.

I’ve worked with Royal Flying Doctor Service, Australian Red Cross, Literacy for Life (Indigenous adult literacy program), NSW Health, NSW Dept. of Primary Industries, Centrelink, local councils, schools and more.

We live in a literate society. Almost everyone can write. Almost everyone has accessible to the necessary tools: pen and paper.

This potent health and wellbeing resource is at just about everybody’s fingertips.

All that’s outstanding is the necessary guidance, encouragement and support to begin.


Bespoke training programs available.

Contact us to discuss the right program for you and your organisation.

Learn evidence-based techniques and practices for guiding clients and staff to good health and wellbeing through writing.

Benefits of using pen and paper as a health and wellbeing resource include:

  • stop-gap resource for navigating personal challenges until professional support is available
  • prepare for challenging or difficult workplace meetings in advance
  • manage challenging emotions during meetings
  • download difficult and challenging events and circumstances during or at the end of the day
  • manage disempowering family situations.

For clinical practitioners

In this experiential training you will:

  • learn cutting edge conceptual frameworks for using writing as a tool for health and wellbeing
  • experience the importance of languaging the feeling body through writing as a transformational pathway
  • be introduced to the LOCH model for understanding human experiential journeys, which can be applied to all pursuits and situations
  • gain insight into the key elements pivotal to the efficacy of wellbeing-through-writing practice – including the importance of guidance, encouragement and support to begin
  • workshop your own wellbeing-through-writing clinical method.

Reflexive practice for professional and personal development

In this experiential training you will:

  • understand the imperative of skilled reflexive practice
  • learn the embodied journaling technique for powerful reflexive practice processes and outcomes
  • experience the importance of languaging the feeling body through writing as a transformational pathway
  • be introduced to the LOCH model for understanding human experiential journeys, which can be applied to all of your activities
  • gain insight into the key elements of efficient wellbeing-through-writing practice.

Organise wellbeing-through-writing training for you or your organisation

  • 3-hour interactive training sessions (with 15 minute break)
  • morning and evening sessions available
  • live online or face-to-face facilitator.

Contact me to organise training at a time that suits your organisation or members.


“Stephanie Dale is a ‘mistress class’ in facilitation. Her skills are phenomenal, equal to anyone I’ve ever worked with & I’ve worked with the best.”

Sue Spencer, UK

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