Embodied journaling

* use writing as a health and wellbeing resource
* liberate your body/mind/spirit from unwelcome energies
* find your words, language your feelings, liberate your voice

“I carry way too much upset and pain in my body and I want it gone. So thank you. You have helped me so much.”

Amanda Raddatz

Journaling is a powerful tool for navigating lifeworld changes and challenges.
This 75-minute workshop offers guidance for using writing as a method for clarifying thoughts, solving problems and finding our way forward through difficult situations.
Why journal? Because a need can be ‘expressed’ and still be unstated. In challenging situations, at work or at home, our words count.
In families and in meetings, it’s important to find the words that line up with who you know yourself to be. When your words line up with the feelings in your body, you will speak clearly and with trust – because you’ve got your back.
One of the most challenging aspects of self-aligned expression is languaging the feeling body.
This workshop gives you far-reaching techniques for establishing clear pathways forward, skills that will serve you in myriad situations with or without a pen!

All sessions facilitated by Dr Stephanie Dale.

Testimonials: facilitation and workshop development training

“Practical, motivational and inspirational. Showing me that I can indeed write my thoughts, capture feelings in a way I have not allowed myself time for before. Thank you.”

Eureka Van der Merwe


“Thoroughly enjoyed this workshop and will now ensure that I stop and connect with my inner self. I am inspired to commence a journal.”

Rebecca Dalwood

“Really appreciated this class. I think that now I will be able to move forward better after journaling. I carry way too much upset and pain in my body and I want it gone. So thank you. You have helped me so much.”

Amanda Raddatz

“I enjoyed the workshop immensely. So much so that I felt disappointed when it was over. A great opportunity to pause and think rather than continually do. Thank you.”

Gary Halliday

“It was empowering. A great way to start the week. Thank you Stephanie.”

Melissa Cumming

“I could channel into the bad stuff but I learnt how to connect back to the good stuff. It made me feel amazing.”


Bookings available for groups and organisations on request

  • 75-minute workshop
  • available for organisations by request, facilitated online or in person.

“Stephanie Dale is a ‘mistress class’ in facilitation. Her skills are phenomenal, equal to anyone I’ve ever worked with & I’ve worked with the best.”

Sue Spencer, UK

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