writing support and wellbeing programs

* writing support for new and unpublished writers
* wellbeing programs for communities in recovery
* transform your expertise into a book

Signature writing programs

The three signature programs in this suite are progressive. They begin with Write of Passage to grow your trust in writing and the world and progress to robust pursuit of publishing.

It is possible to choose the program you’re most drawn to, however skipping the first program has nothing to do with your writing capability (everyone can write!) and everything to do with your courage to be visible in the world.

This is why our programs are successful, by any measure – we grow the writer and the book.

Contact me if you’d to discuss which program is right for you: contact(at)stephaniedale.com.au

Write of Passage

A book or blog writing program for new writers finding their way to the page.

This program is guided by the principles of pilgrimage.

You can write – and you can write well!

More information here.

Ultreia book writing support program

Ultreia book writing support program is for new and established writers who are ready to write their book.

This program builds on the groundwork we laid down in Write of Passage.

It’s not necessary to have participated in Write of Passage but it’s a great headstart.

More information here.

Write the book of the thesis

For doctoral researchers, professionals and others with knowledge, expertise and wisdom to share.

Transform your work or thesis into a book.

It is preferred participants have committed to the Write of Passage program prior to signing up for Write the Book of the Thesis – contact me to discuss.

More information here.

Workshops, programs & events

Online wellbeing-through-writing workshops, programs and events. In-person community programs on request.


Offering a range of training programs, including personal and professional development for individuals and organisations, and group facilitation training.

Writing support

Writing programs for new and experienced writers, including academics, students and PhD writing support. Individual writing coaching available.

Connecting community

Specialising in overcoming isolation. Workshops and programs for individuals and communities in recovery.

Dr Stephanie Dale offers a range of writing support programs online and in person.

Stephanie’s research shows that even though most people can write, almost everybody needs guidance, encouragement and support to begin writing projects that matter to them.

Her writing and wellbeing programs are for:

  1. new and unpublished writers who have a book, blog or other writing project they’d like to begin
  2. everyday community wellbeing, and communities in recovery
  3. academics, professionals and others with expertise, experience and wisdom they’d like to share.

Steph’s programs connect communities, increase confidence and overcome isolation. We grow the writer and the book.

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